- Jul 21 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
- 2
Grateful Deadheading
July 21, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2

Summer marched forth to the cadence of the cicada, stumbling ever so often, as her rhythm slowly became out of sync. Her easy going nature seemed strained, and her once verdant beauty disheveled and unkempt. A kind word and a…
- Jun 23 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
- 2
National Pollinator Week: What Can You Do?
June 23, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2

Every flower awaited its turn, like an eager dance partner, as the bees flitted and twirled amongst them. Summer’s arrival finds our gardens and landscapes in full bloom. It’s no coincidence that Summer’s arrival coincides with National Pollinator Week. A…
- May 26 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
- 2
Petscaping: Landscaping for Dogs
May 26, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2

Memorial Day is upon us, gateway to Summer, and as the pace of life slows a bit, we find ourselves summoned to the outdoors, basking in the warmth, enjoying the beauty of our yards and gardens, and embracing the rhythm…
- Jul 1 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
The Season of Supplemental Watering
July 1, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 0

Nascent Summer seems to have settled in nicely, replete and contented. Yet her once dewy, fresh face begins to grow sallow and somber under the impossible weight of hot, humid temperatures and lack of meaningful moisture. Her youth, vigor and…
- Jun 17 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
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Bee Friendly: Celebrating National Pollinator Week
June 17, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 0

Like a thousand tiny lanterns flickering here and there amongst the fading light, the Fireflies made a rousing return to the evening landscape. Their debut seemed celebratory as if welcoming the Summer Solstice, which officially arrives on Saturday. Hot on…
- Jun 10 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
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Combatting Heat Stressed Plants
June 10, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 0

The humidity enveloped the landscape, constricting ever tighter, until flora and fauna wilted. Breathless, lifeless, and defeated, Summer had officially arrived in all its oppressive glory. Oh, and we have cicadas. Heat stress is a real thing and can adversely…
- May 27 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
- 2
A Garden Less Contained
May 27, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 2

Change is coming. A great shift from the rote and routine, schedules and deadlines. The walls of our compartmentalized lives are slowly being razed, and the tethers loosened. Soon our lives will follow the arrhythmic beat of Summer’s drum. Memorial…
- Jul 24 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Grateful Deadheading
July 24, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

Summer marched forth to the cadence of the cicada, stumbling ever so often, as her rhythm slowly became out of sync. Her easy going nature seemed strained, and her once verdant beauty disheveled and unkempt. A kind word and a…
- Jul 10 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
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A Simple Guide to Supplemental Watering
July 10, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

Nascent Summer seems to have settled in nicely, replete and contented. Yet her once dewy, fresh face begins to grow sallow and somber under the impossible weight of hot, humid temperatures and lack of meaningful moisture. Her youth, vigor and…
- Jun 5 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
6 Common Garden Pests & How to Control Them
June 5, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

June paints the landscape in flowers and foliage while she orchestrates a symphony in bird and bug song. The long-awaited masterpiece of Summer has finally come to fruition, and as we bask in the artful glow, a few spoilers have…