- Jan 20 2021
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
Feeling the Burn of Winter Scorch
January 20, 2021 Landscaping, Winter 0

Winter settled in comfortably, as it’s apt to do, lounging upon the couch of life, shoes on, leaving an empty pantry in its wake, and hogging the remote. Winter is here to stay, and will undoubtedly leave its mark….
- Dec 16 2020
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
Salt: Winter’s Other Four Letter Word
December 16, 2020 Landscaping, Winter 0
Silvery frosted roofs and white laced grass greeted the December dawn. Although we haven’t experienced any measurable snow yet, we are a mere five days’ away from the first official day of Winter. And with that will surely mean snow…
- Jun 10 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Combatting Heat Stressed Plants
June 10, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 0

The humidity enveloped the landscape, constricting ever tighter, until flora and fauna wilted. Breathless, lifeless, and defeated, Summer had officially arrived in all its oppressive glory. Oh, and we have cicadas. Heat stress is a real thing and can adversely…
- Mar 4 2020
- Landscaping, Spring
- 2
Winter Damaged Lawns
March 4, 2020 Landscaping, Spring 2

The landscape lay waste to March’s warm arrival and took on a most pathetic look. Yet life was beginning to sprout, and with it, winter damages made themselves apparent. As the landscape below the mounds of snow began to…
- Jul 10 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
A Simple Guide to Supplemental Watering
July 10, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

Nascent Summer seems to have settled in nicely, replete and contented. Yet her once dewy, fresh face begins to grow sallow and somber under the impossible weight of hot, humid temperatures and lack of meaningful moisture. Her youth, vigor and…
- Jun 26 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Feeling the Burn of Winter Scorch
June 26, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

Dripping with the scent of honey-drenched blooms, the branches bowed under the bountiful weight, as if curtsying to an eager and appreciative crowd. The same could not be said for the neighboring evergreens. Winter scorch, thanks to an extremely cold…
- Feb 6 2019
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
Winter Damaged Turf
February 6, 2019 Landscaping, Winter 0

The landscape lay waste to February’s warm arrival and took on a most pathetic look. The once beautiful, pure white blanket of snow had been reduced to the dirty, grungy spoils of a Winter warming, but that wasn’t all that remained in the receding snow. As the…
- Nov 28 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
The Damaging Effects of Salt
November 28, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0
The Evergreen boughs arched and flexed as the Oaks stooped and ached, arthritic under the grievous weight of the heavy, wet snow. Conditions were treacherous. Nature steeled itself while we were left helpless and seemingly ill prepared. As we begin…
- Nov 7 2018
- Fall, Landscaping
- 0
Preparing Trees & Shrubs for Winter
November 7, 2018 Fall, Landscaping 0

November extinguished the landscape ablaze, leaving only a few smoldering embers amongst the ashes. The trees stood unadorned and humbled as their Autumnal attire laid at their feet. The great sentinels now stood vulnerable and exposed. With Winter nipping at…
- Aug 10 2016
- Landscaping
- 0
Dividing to Conquer
August 10, 2016 Landscaping 0

Their convergence was neither peaceable nor passive. Divided – the land met the water in a cataclysmic collision. Jagged, crude rocks formed an undulating backbone along the banks as the soothing waters flowed effortlessly over and between, uniting the elements into one powerful…