- Feb 25 2021
- Landscaping, Spring
- 0
Spring Clean Ups: Important First Steps
February 25, 2021 Landscaping, Spring 0

Like a receding glacier, Winter began to wither and melt, leaving behind a scarred and battered landscape. Its tenuous grasp was loosening, and its legacy becoming more apparent, but March would surely deliver us unto Spring. Spring officially arrives March…
- Oct 7 2020
- Fall, Landscaping
- 2
The Perennial Question
October 7, 2020 Fall, Landscaping 2

Autumn, like dusk, gilded the landscape in its ripened rays as the petals and foliage blushed in the frosty air. Beauty was everywhere. As we begin to put our landscapes to bed – tidying, raking, mulching, and pruning, you might…
- Mar 11 2020
- Landscaping, Spring
- 2
Spring Triage: Important First Steps
March 11, 2020 Landscaping, Spring 2

Like a receding glacier, Winter withered and melted, leaving behind a scarred and battered landscape. Its tenuous grasp was loosening, and its legacy becoming more apparent, but March would surely deliver us unto Spring. Spring officially arrives March 19th,…
- Nov 13 2019
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
Perennials Provide Winter Interest & Much More
November 13, 2019 Landscaping, Winter 0

The sun hung over the landscape like a dimly lit bulb. Autumn seems to have become less festive, and more practical and austere as nature prepares for Winter. As we begin to put our landscapes to bed, despite the unseasonable…
- Mar 6 2019
- Landscaping, Spring
- 0
First Steps: Spring Clean Ups
March 6, 2019 Landscaping, Spring 0
The dense, leaden gray clouds began to separate, like the seams of an old quilt, as patches of blue sky swelled, and the sun glinted upon the ground. It seemed almost symbolic as if Winter’s tenuous grasp was loosening,…
- Jul 25 2018
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Promote Perennials Through Pruning
July 25, 2018 Landscaping, Summer 0

The hum and drone of the cicadas rose and fell in unison, like waves on the ocean. Their song lulled the landscape to sleep like a midsummer’s night lullaby, exhausted and spent from her good and decent work. Mid Summer, often,…
- Feb 28 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
Spring Tidings & Tasks
February 28, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0

The once lethargic and hushed landscape became frenetic and boisterous with the jubilant sound of chirping and twittering birds who seemed to have a season’s worth of gossip to share. The squirrels too descended in mass from the trees to forage and romp. …
- Oct 25 2017
- Fall, Landscaping
- 1
Let Them Be
October 25, 2017 Fall, Landscaping 1
Sidling in on its belly, seeking refuge in the cool, low lands, the fog quickly bled into the surrounding areas, blotting out the light and swallowing everything in its path. Soon the landscape was enrobed in a dreary gray murkiness, seemingly devoid of…
- Aug 30 2017
- Fall, Landscaping
- 0
Divide & Prosper
August 30, 2017 Fall, Landscaping 0
August, like a cherished, faded bloom, is being tucked away and pressed between the pages of an unwieldy book to be preserved and remembered as a sweet and affable time. Summer is dwindling and grows weary and worn, her…
- Aug 10 2016
- Landscaping
- 0
Dividing to Conquer
August 10, 2016 Landscaping 0

Their convergence was neither peaceable nor passive. Divided – the land met the water in a cataclysmic collision. Jagged, crude rocks formed an undulating backbone along the banks as the soothing waters flowed effortlessly over and between, uniting the elements into one powerful…