- Jan 30 2019
- Landscaping, Winter
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Surviving Winter Scientifically
January 30, 2019 Landscaping, Winter 0
The clouds descended onto the ground, swallowing the land, tree tops first, and the snow swirled upon the wind before the horizon became entirely blurred, and the earth wholly incased in white. A wondrous and eerie site. Winter was flexing his…
- Nov 28 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
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The Damaging Effects of Salt
November 28, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0
The Evergreen boughs arched and flexed as the Oaks stooped and ached, arthritic under the grievous weight of the heavy, wet snow. Conditions were treacherous. Nature steeled itself while we were left helpless and seemingly ill prepared. As we begin…
- May 2 2018
- Landscaping, Spring
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Thinking Outside the Box: Flowers for Mom
May 2, 2018 Landscaping, Spring 0
Nature had finally shed its woolen gray overcoat. Redbuds were blushing in the cast of a fuchsia glow while Magnolias burst forth tufts of cotton candy blooms. Spring bulbs imparted pops of color in a landscape that had languished too long in the…
- Apr 29 2015
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
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Unadulterated Beauty
April 29, 2015 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0
The sun settled in the western sky, like an unlit celestial match, dropping quickly to the horizon where it collided and set the sky ablaze, the clouds smouldering like embers. Sunsets – a heavenly gift. Nature unrestrained and uninhibited. Perfect. So…
- Apr 15 2015
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
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The Magnitude of Mulch
April 15, 2015 Landscaping, Uncategorized 1
The Forsythia are golden and aglow. The Daffodils stand tall and proud with slightly tilted heads, while the Crabapples and Magnolia explode with blooms that fill the air with their ethereal scent. Much has happened in a week, and from here on out, the landscape…
- Mar 11 2015
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
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March’s Atonement
March 11, 2015 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0
I have decided to forgive March. Just last weekend, she mercilessly stole an hour of sleep from me. I don’t take kindly to such behavior and have cursed March like no other month, save for August, but she has atoned…
- Jan 7 2015
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
- 3
The Goodness of Snow
January 7, 2015 Landscaping, Uncategorized 3
The landscape has finally been reborn, cleansed of its imperfections, bleached in pure, glistening white, sparkling in the sun, blindingly renewed. A somewhat fitting start to the new year, and one I’ve been waiting months to see. I love snow. …