- Nov 10 2021
- Fall, Landscaping
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Preparing Trees & Shrubs for Winter
November 10, 2021 Fall, Landscaping 0
November extinguished the landscape ablaze, leaving only a few smoldering embers amongst the ashes. The trees stood unadorned and humbled as their Autumnal attire laid at their feet. The great sentinels now stood vulnerable and exposed. With Winter…
- Oct 13 2021
- Fall, Landscaping
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5 Tips for Choosing the Best Pumpkin
October 13, 2021 Fall, Landscaping 0
Silken was the frosted air, rushing through the trees, quaking every leaf as the ripened sun flickered through the canopy. A shower of crimson, gold, and tangerine foliage glided through the cloudless, turquoise sky, gathering underfoot, mirroring the trees above….
- Sep 29 2021
- Fall, Landscaping
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The Acorn, The Oak, and the Squirrel…
September 29, 2021 Fall, Landscaping 0
Bittersweet is the glimpse of gold that peeks through the green foliage. Bittersweet is the feathery seed head that rises above the grass. Bittersweet is the rush of cool air that foretells a new season. Bittersweet is the maturation…
- Sep 1 2021
- Fall, Landscaping
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Fall Firsts: Clean Ups
September 1, 2021 Fall, Landscaping 0
Change is in the air. Cool, crisp change. The first day of Fall is Wednesday, September 22nd, and I for one welcome it with open arms. Now, is a busy time in our yards and gardens as we take advantage…
- Aug 18 2021
- Fall, Landscaping
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Ornamental Grasses: Beauty, Power & Grace
August 18, 2021 Fall, Landscaping 0
She speaks in whispers and lullabies, and dances in the wind. She tempers the hardened, and fortifies the precarious. She is beauty, power, humility and grace across the seasons. She is Ornamental Grass. Ornamental Grasses are truly versatile. They can…
- Aug 11 2021
- Fall, Landscaping
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Autumn Aerations: Show Your Lawn Some Love
August 11, 2021 Fall, Landscaping 3
Drunk upon the sun’s rays, the verdant leaves began to yellow and shed upon her slumped and weary figure. The unrelenting heat, and sparse rains of late Summer were more than she could bear. These are the dog days indeed….
- Aug 4 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
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Late Summer: Season of Second Chances
August 4, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2
The landscape lay reeling and depleted, drunk on the sun’s rays and summer heat. She was beginning to show her age in the harsh light of the August sun, and there was a palpable shift in the air. The winds…
- Jul 28 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
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Lawn Renovations: Your Window of Opportunity
July 28, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2
The frothy, white clouds whipped into stiff peaks by the restless, erratic winds. Shards of sunlight pierced the spaces in between, glimmering wildly upon the ground. August would soon arrive, the seasonal lull, but she would bestow a dynamic landscape…
- Jul 21 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
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Grateful Deadheading
July 21, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2
Summer marched forth to the cadence of the cicada, stumbling ever so often, as her rhythm slowly became out of sync. Her easy going nature seemed strained, and her once verdant beauty disheveled and unkempt. A kind word and a…
- Jun 23 2021
- Landscaping, Summer
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National Pollinator Week: What Can You Do?
June 23, 2021 Landscaping, Summer 2
Every flower awaited its turn, like an eager dance partner, as the bees flitted and twirled amongst them. Summer’s arrival finds our gardens and landscapes in full bloom. It’s no coincidence that Summer’s arrival coincides with National Pollinator Week. A…