- Jun 10 2020
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Combatting Heat Stressed Plants
June 10, 2020 Landscaping, Summer 0

The humidity enveloped the landscape, constricting ever tighter, until flora and fauna wilted. Breathless, lifeless, and defeated, Summer had officially arrived in all its oppressive glory. Oh, and we have cicadas. Heat stress is a real thing and can adversely…
- Mar 11 2020
- Landscaping, Spring
- 2
Spring Triage: Important First Steps
March 11, 2020 Landscaping, Spring 2

Like a receding glacier, Winter withered and melted, leaving behind a scarred and battered landscape. Its tenuous grasp was loosening, and its legacy becoming more apparent, but March would surely deliver us unto Spring. Spring officially arrives March 19th,…
- Jan 22 2020
- Landscaping, Spring
- 0
Robotic Mowers: Are We Ready?
January 22, 2020 Landscaping, Spring 0
Skating atop the glazed and pitted snow, a single Oak leaf skidded and twirled between the long shadows of the day. Winter seems to have found her stride. Likewise, robotic mowers are finding their way into our lives and…
- Nov 28 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
- 0
The Damaging Effects of Salt
November 28, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0
The Evergreen boughs arched and flexed as the Oaks stooped and ached, arthritic under the grievous weight of the heavy, wet snow. Conditions were treacherous. Nature steeled itself while we were left helpless and seemingly ill prepared. As we begin…
- Nov 14 2018
- Fall, Landscaping
- 0
A True Giving Tree
November 14, 2018 Fall, Landscaping 0

Like a silken scarf meandering in the wind, the geese quickly fell into formation, trumpeting their departure across the frigid November sky. Respite and refuge awaited them elsewhere, where life would be immeasurably easier, food more plentiful and temperatures more forgiving. Wildlife depends…
- Sep 19 2018
- Fall, Landscaping
- 0
The Acorn, The Oak and the Squirrel
September 19, 2018 Fall, Landscaping 0

Without so much as a warning or civic alert, the bombs began to fall. Sparsely, at first, quickly ramping up to a barrage. They fell with great velocity, unbiased yet fierce. The driveway, lawn, roof, streets and cars – none of…
- Feb 28 2018
- Landscaping, Winter
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Spring Tidings & Tasks
February 28, 2018 Landscaping, Winter 0

The once lethargic and hushed landscape became frenetic and boisterous with the jubilant sound of chirping and twittering birds who seemed to have a season’s worth of gossip to share. The squirrels too descended in mass from the trees to forage and romp. …
- Nov 8 2017
- Fall, Landscaping
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Important Steps to Prepare Lawns & Landscapes for Winter
November 8, 2017 Fall, Landscaping 0
The shadow of Winter loomed large in the brooding skies and biting air. Foliage lay fleeced in the icy dew of the killing frosts. Birds and squirrels hasten their preparations as nature shifts to self-preservation mode for the long, cold season ahead….
- Oct 11 2017
- Fall, Landscaping
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True Colors: The Science Behind Fall Foliage
October 11, 2017 Fall, Landscaping 0
The mellow, ripened sun set the landscape ablaze in its shimmering, saffron glow. Leaves, here and there, had been kissed in tones of umber, vermilion, scarlet and smoky plum. The verdant greens of Spring and Summer give way to the…
- Jun 17 2015
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
- 0
Cluttered Gutters
June 17, 2015 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0
Soaked and steeped like a lady finger dipped in coffee, the landscape is saturated, and the local creeks, streams, and retention ponds are again on the brink of overrunning their banks. The bit of sun and wind that graced our area…