- Jul 24 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 0
Grateful Deadheading
July 24, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 0

Summer marched forth to the cadence of the cicada, stumbling ever so often, as her rhythm slowly became out of sync. Her easy going nature seemed strained, and her once verdant beauty disheveled and unkempt. A kind word and a…
- May 29 2019
- Landscaping, Summer
- 2
A Garden Less Contained
May 29, 2019 Landscaping, Summer 2

Change is coming. A great shift from the rote and routine, schedules and deadlines. The walls of our compartmentalized lives are being razed, and the tethers loosened. Schools are racing to the finish line, and soon our lives will…
- May 2 2018
- Landscaping, Spring
- 0
Thinking Outside the Box: Flowers for Mom
May 2, 2018 Landscaping, Spring 0
Nature had finally shed its woolen gray overcoat. Redbuds were blushing in the cast of a fuchsia glow while Magnolias burst forth tufts of cotton candy blooms. Spring bulbs imparted pops of color in a landscape that had languished too long in the…
- Oct 12 2016
- Landscaping
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Preserving Autumn
October 12, 2016 Landscaping 0
The landscape’s golden aura is beginning to deepen and caramelize into blazing oranges, fiery scarlets and smoky purples. Autumn is not solely a feast for our eyes but engages all the senses. From the distinct smell of newly fallen leaves moistened…
- Jul 20 2016
- Landscaping
- 0
Grateful Deadheading
July 20, 2016 Landscaping 0
The weathered stone was cool and smooth, flocked here and there with moss, its jagged edges softened by the elements and constant patter of traffic. Flanked on each side, the perennials began to crowd the path, decked in seasonal splendor…
- Mar 9 2016
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
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Your Personal Guide to 151 Common Flowers
March 9, 2016 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0
The satiny gray sheet of Winter, once unfurled and perfectly draped, has begun to wrinkle and bunch as Spring tugs at its corners, releasing its drab cover. Soon it will be folded and shelved until next year. Spring is most…
- Jul 22 2015
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
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Summer’s Simple Pleasures
July 22, 2015 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0
Last night was a gift. It was the perfect summer night when the air is delicate and nimble. It was quiet, but not still. Easy and blithe. The humidity was low, almost unperceivable, and as the setting sun faded behind the…
- Jun 12 2014
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
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Pruning for the Right Reasons
June 12, 2014 Landscaping, Uncategorized 0

So, for the last 4-6 weeks, crews had been working diligently (I use that term very loosely) on Route 83. It’s an annual thing. You can almost set your watch to it. What they were working on, I’ll never…
- Jul 31 2013
- Landscaping, Uncategorized
- 2
Seeing & Appreciating the Big Picture
July 31, 2013 Landscaping, Uncategorized 2
I always thought of myself as a “big picture” kind of gal. Before I can truly understand or appreciate something, it’s very important that I am able to visualize and conceptualize the whole. Well, I thought wrong. Sort of. When it…