Tom’s December Tips
- Protect shallow-rooted perennials, such as Mums, Cora Bells, Shasta Daisy and Crocus from the freeze-thaw cycles of winter by covering plants with evergreen boughs from leftover holiday greens.
- Apply winter mulch to the base of roses once ground freezes.
- Spray Evergreens, especially broadleaf (ex: Rhododendrons) with anti-transpirant to prevent winter burn.
- Protect multi-stemmed Evergreens such as Arborvitae, Junipers and Yews from winter storm damage by tying trunks together with old nylons or cotton twine. Remove in the spring.
- Avoid using heavy amounts of de-icing materials around plants along sidewalks and parking areas.
- Start planning for next year’s garden. Ask Santa for better tools, gift certificates (from Sweeney’s of course), and magazine subscriptions!
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