Change is in the air. Cool, crisp change. The first day of Fall is Sunday, September 22nd, and I for one welcome it with open arms. Now, is a busy time in our yards and gardens as we take advantage of the perfect growing conditions and prepare for the winter ahead. As you know, ad-nauseum, Fall is the perfect time to plant, upgrade our landscapes, repair damaged lawns, plant bulbs, mums, kale, perennials, shrubs and trees. It’s not quite time to hunker down just yet; however, if you do nothing else this Fall, schedule a Fall Clean Up. It’s important to ready our yards and gardens for the dormant season by putting them to bed properly.  Below are some Fall Clean Up tips:

  • Harvest all usable vegetables and annuals.
  • Remaining debris can be tilled into the soil or put into your compost pile.
  • Remove weeds as they can harbor disease and insects.
  • Mulch beds.
  • Cut back perennials and ornamental grasses.
  • Divide established perennials.
  • Prune deciduous trees after they go dormant.
  • Late summer and fall flowering shrubs can be pruned after they go dormant.
  • Remove leaves from lawns and landscaped areas.

Call Sweeney’s now to schedule your Fall Clean Up today! The schedule is filling up fast, so be sure to secure your space. You’ll be glad you did. We proudly serve the communities of Villa Park, Elmhurst, Oakbrook, Oakbrook Terrace, Glen Ellyn, Lombard, Wood Dale, Itasca, and more!

Sweeney’s:  A Plant Based Company

Plant of the Week

Golden Japanese Spikenard

Bright, golden foliage lights up the shade.  In heavier shade, the foliage ranges from chartreuse to lime green.  Tiny white flowers bloom mid to late Summer, followed by deep purple berries.  Prefers shade to partial shade, and moist, well-drained soil.  Grows 3-4′ tall and 3-4′ wide.  Fall color and interest.  Deer resistant.

“The sultry summer past, September comes,
Soft twilight of the slow-declining year;
All mildness, soothing loveliness, and peace:
The fading season ere the falling come…”
~Carlos Wilcox

Best wishes,

Kim Sweeney