Every flower awaited its turn, like an eager dance partner, as the bees flitted and twirled amongst them.

Summer’s arrival finds our gardens and landscapes in full bloom.  It’s no coincidence that Summer’s arrival coincides with National Pollinator Week.  A wonderful time to revisit the importance of pollinators and how best to support them.

Pollinators include birds, bees, butterflies, bats and some moths and wasps. In addition to offering a diverse pallet of pollinator-friendly plants, including native species, that provide continual blooms from Spring to Fall, it’s also important to employ garden management tactics that help support them:

  • Consider adding “host” plants, which pollinators will use to lay and feed their young.  Check out specific plants for specific hosts.  Generally speaking, native plants are the best option for a myriad of reasons and support some 225 different variety of native bees.
  • If possible, eliminate the use of pesticides and be willing to accept some insect damage to some plants.  If pesticides must be used, look to less toxic varieties, and use in the evening when pollinators are less active.
  • Leave bare patches of earth where ground nesting bees can shelter.
  • Add non-flowering plants and grasses that provide nesting and overwintering habitats.
  • If possible, leave downed logs, stems and leaf litter for additional nesting and overwintering habitats.  Additionally, consider not cutting back your perennials in Fall for the same reasons.
  • Provide fresh water and replenish daily to prevent water from becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

I realize the above management practices may not be terribly realistic for all home gardeners, so keep in mind creating and maintaining balance between beauty, sanity and the support of pollinators and wildlife should be the goal, and is absolutely attainable! Feel free to reach out to Sweeney’s for more information on creating and maintaining a pollinator-friendly landscape.  We proudly serve the communities of Villa Park, Elmhurst, Oakbrook, Oakbrook Terrace, Glen Ellyn, Lombard, Wood Dale, Itasca, and more!

Sweeney’s:  A Plant Based Company

Plant of the Week

Butterfly Weed

Clusters of bright orange flowers bloom atop upright stems June – August amongst lance shaped leaves.  Prefers full sun and dry soil.  Grows 24-36″ tall and 18-24″ wide.  Attracts butterflies, particularly the Monarch’s larvae, hummingbirds, bees, and wildlife.  Deer resistant.

“Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes.”

~Author unknown

Best wishes,

Kim Sweeney